Likes: I'm a bit of a chameleon as my likes change frequently. Right now I'm into abstract art and cooking Italian cuisine.
Job: I'm working part time at a coffee shop.
Sexiest Thing Ever Done: Today's shoot is most definitely the sexiest thing I've ever done in my life.
Naughtiest Thing Ever Done: Um, I'd have to say having sex on the couch at my parents place while they were less than 10 feet away in bed.
Favorite Part: My innocent look.
Why Your Favorite?: Cos apparently people think I'm sweet and innocent, yet they've no idea what goes on in my mind, which enables me to manipulate them into doing things they wouldn't suspect from a girl like me. :P
Biggest Fantasy: One day I hope to conquer a famous celebrity.
Last Sexual Experience: I'm not very active sexually but I do enjoy ravishing myself when time permits.