Likes: (A) Diving, motorbikes, paragliding and shooting. (M) Dancing, anal, rough sex, kissing girls, heels and ugh boots.
Job: (A) Recruitment consultant. (M) Stripper.
Sexiest Thing Ever Done: (A) Me and my man were on a plane, I wasn't wearing underwear, I asked him to follow me to the restroom and I surprised him with great sex! (M) Blowjob in the car whilst driving to Sydney.
Naughtiest Thing Ever Done: (A) Having sex in a swimming pool with 50 people around me while on holidays in Croatia. (M) Riding a mechanical bull and then trying to fuck one of its horns!
Favorite Part: (A) Hair and eyes. (M) Ass.
Why Your Favorite?: (A) It's dark and shiny and I love eye contact during sex. (M) I love sticking things in it!
Biggest Fantasy: (A) Having sex in the jungle on a trek. (M) To become a property baroness.